In this post I’ll talk about the best way to structure your employee survey pages for the best user experience, and thereby get the most and highest quality responses.
The short version? You’ll need three pages:
- The Intro/Landing page
- The Survey page with all the questions
- The “Thank you” page
1. An Intro or “Landing” page
This in the first page your survey link sends them to, and it should be separate from the main survey.
The purpose of this page is to ease them into the survey, let them know that they are in the right place, and contain some or all off:
- a welcome and thank you message
- why the survey is being run and why it’s important
- when it’s being run, and when they can expect results (this might be left to the “Thank you” page though)
- who is running the survey (if run by a third party this should include a link to their website that shows they are legit)
- how much of their time you are asking for
- contact info for any questions regarding the “how and why” of the survey
- contact info for any technical issues (internally or through a third party)
… and then finishing it off with the link to the survey itself.
2. A Survey page
Though I know that I’m going to get some pushback on this by some, we are BIG believers in using one long scrolling page, as opposed to multiple pages or one question per page.
There’s a lot of research on this and many opinions, but when all is said and done, we believe that when dealing with employee surveys in particular one page is the way to go. (… and yes, we feel the same way whether using PCs or cell phones,)
I’ll get into the reasoning for this and the pros and cons in the next post “How many questions should I have on a page?” – but for now … trust me. :)
3. A “Thank you” page
A respondent has gone to some trouble to get his done, so this is where you have the opportunity to show your gratitude for their time and effort.
Along with this your thanks, you might also want to add:
- contact info for any further questions they might have
- as much detail as you can provide on what happens next
Some of this may be in your Intro Page and invitation email, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat at every opportunity.
So that’s it – set up those three pages and you’re good to go!
As always give me a shout if you have any questions or comments, and next up: “Employee Survey Pro Tip Series 16 – How many questions should I have on a page?“.
Thanks for reading, and if you’re interested in running a survey for your organization call us at 1-604-219-7876, email us at, or just book a discovery call with our team.